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John Jaworski

Question... Could your business be making more profit than it is?

Jiohn Jaworski is a Business Growth STrategist. He works with small to medium size businesses (large businesses occasionaly if it's a good fit). John helps you finr "Profit Pockets" in your business, places where you are either leaving a lot of money on the table or places that you are hemmoraging cash!  John has been a Business Consultant, A Business Coach and Entrepreneur for over 20 years. He jhas worked closely with over 800 businesses and all of them, when they were ready to buckle doiwn, made a lot more Profit! Are you ready to make more Profit?  Hire John... YOU WILL!

John Jaworski's Background

John Jaworski's Experience

President at

November 1999 - Present | Shelton Ct - Key West, Fl provides Confetti and Streamer Effects for large Events - Rock Concerts, Political Events and Rallies, Even Bar Mutzvahs! John Is the Head Honcho there!

Chief Marketer and Growth Strategist at The Simple Solution - Business Growth - Advertising - More Profit!

January 2007 | Key West. Fl

Chief Strategist and CEO

John Jaworski's Education

West Springfield High School

James Madison University

Concentration: Technical Theatre, Lighting Design

School of Hard Knocks

Concentration: Bumps and Bruises, life, love

John Jaworski's Interests & Activities

John lives in Key West and Enjoys all of the Key West Experience. He is a major fund raiser in town and is developing an Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Center down there.... He is actively looking for Grants and donations for that!

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